Sunday, March 9, 2008

Andy West - Public Record

To be clear at the outset this page is not related to Andy West, the musician, or the article author.

This Andy West is from Connecticut originally and has most recently been living in Dallas, Texas.Has this man approached you about investing in anything? For over 15 years Andy West has concocted numerous "great investment ideas" usually centered around real estate ventures like Sojourn and New Century Living. No evidence has been provided that any were successful. I have no doubt that if you confront Andy about what you find here, he will offer some rationale. I can only tell you that everything here is public record. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions. Ask Andy to document his net worth. He won't be able to.

If Andy West asks you to invest in anything, please notify David Grauer at the Texas State Securities Board immediately at (512) 305-8392 or

If you would like to comment or post to this blog, please e-mail

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